Can I return more than one item in a select? For instance I have a List of Fixtures (think football (or soccer for the yanks) fixtures). Each fixture contains a home and away t
Taking a stab at this myself I came up with the same version as 'it depends'.
Using query comprehension syntax:
IEnumerable drew =
from fixture in fixtures
where fixture.Played && (fixture.HomeScore == fixture.AwayScore)
from team in new[]{fixture.AwayTeam, fixture.HomeTeam}
select team;
Using lambda with extension methods:
IEnumerable drew =
fixtures.Where(f => f.Played && f.HomeScore == f.AwayScore)
.SelectMany(f => new[]{f.HomeTeam, f.AwayTeam});
Edit: I don't know if a team could have possibly played and drawn more than once in your database, but if that's possible, then you might want to make use of the Distinct
query operator:
IEnumerable drew =
(from fixture in fixtures
where fixture.Played && (fixture.HomeScore == fixture.AwayScore)
from team in new[]{fixture.AwayTeam, fixture.HomeTeam}
select team).Distinct();
IEnumerable drew =
fixtures.Where(f => f.Played && f.HomeScore == f.AwayScore)
.SelectMany(f => new[]{f.HomeTeam, f.AwayTeam})