OK, in C# we have something like:
public static string Destroy(this string s) {
return \"\";
So basically, when you have a string you ca
You can change the built-in classes by monkey-patching with the help of forbidden fruit
But installing forbidden fruit requires a C compiler and unrestricted environment so it probably will not work or needs hard effort to run on Google App Engine, Heroku, etc.
I changed the behaviour of unicode
class in Python 2.7 for a Turkish i,I
uppercase/lowercase problem by this library.
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Redesigned by @guneysus
import __builtin__
from forbiddenfruit import curse
lcase_table = tuple(u'abcçdefgğhıijklmnoöprsştuüvyz')
def upper(data):
data = data.replace('i',u'İ')
data = data.replace(u'ı',u'I')
result = ''
for char in data:
char_index = lcase_table.index(char)
ucase_char = ucase_table[char_index]
ucase_char = char
result += ucase_char
return result
curse(__builtin__.unicode, 'upper', upper)
class unicode_tr(unicode):
"""For Backward compatibility"""
def __init__(self, arg):
super(unicode_tr, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print u'istanbul'.upper()