I have a UICollectionView
with random cells. Is there any method that allows me to center rows?
This is how it looks by default:
[ x x x x
This can be achieved with a (relatively) simple custom layout, subclassed from UICollectionViewFlowLayout
. Here's an example in Swift
* A simple `UICollectionViewFlowLayout` subclass that would make sure the items are center-aligned in the collection view, when scrolling vertically.
class UICollectionViewFlowCenterLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
override func layoutAttributesForElementsInRect(rect: CGRect) -> [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]? {
guard let suggestedAttributes = super.layoutAttributesForElementsInRect(rect) else { return nil }
guard scrollDirection == .Vertical else { return suggestedAttributes }
var newAttributes: [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes] = []
/// We will collect items for each row in this array
var currentRowAttributes: [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes] = []
/// We will use this variable to detect new rows when iterating over items
var yOffset:CGFloat = sectionInset.top
for attributes in suggestedAttributes {
/// If we happen to run into a new row...
if attributes.frame.origin.y != yOffset {
* Update layout of all items in the previous row and add them to the resulting array
centerSingleRowWithItemsAttributes(¤tRowAttributes, rect: rect)
newAttributes += currentRowAttributes
* Reset the accumulated values for the new row
currentRowAttributes = []
yOffset = attributes.frame.origin.y
currentRowAttributes += [attributes]
* Update the layout of the last row.
centerSingleRowWithItemsAttributes(¤tRowAttributes, rect: rect)
newAttributes += currentRowAttributes
return newAttributes
Updates the attributes for items, so that they are center-aligned in the given rect.
- parameter attributes: Attributes of the items
- parameter rect: Bounding rect
private func centerSingleRowWithItemsAttributes(inout attributes: [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes], rect: CGRect) {
guard let item = attributes.last else { return }
let itemsCount = CGFloat(attributes.count)
let sideInsets = rect.width - (item.frame.width * itemsCount) - (minimumInteritemSpacing * (itemsCount - 1))
var leftOffset = sideInsets / 2
for attribute in attributes {
attribute.frame.origin.x = leftOffset
leftOffset += attribute.frame.width + minimumInteritemSpacing