I have one problem with the ALTER TABLE in postgre. I want to change size of the varchar column. When I try to do this, It says that the view is dependent on that column. I can\
If you don't need to change the type of the field, but just the size of it, this approach should work:
Starting with these tables:
CREATE TABLE foo (id integer primary key, names varchar(10));
CREATE VIEW voo AS (SELECT id, names FROM foo);
\d foo
and \d voo
both show the length as 10:
id | integer | not null
names | character varying(10) |
Now change the lengths to 20 in the pg_attribute
UPDATE pg_attribute SET atttypmod = 20+4
WHERE attrelid IN ('foo'::regclass, 'voo'::regclass)
AND attname = 'names';
(note: the 20+4 is some crazy postgresql legacy thing, the +4 is compulsory.)
Now \d foo
id | integer | not null
names | character varying(20) |
Bonus: that was waaay faster than doing:
ALTER TABLE foo ALTER COLUMN names TYPE varchar(20);
Technically you can change the size of the table column without changing the size of the view column, but no guarantees on what side effects that will have; it's probably best to change them both at once.
source and fuller explanation: http://sniptools.com/databases/resize-a-column-in-a-postgresql-table-without-changing-data