We have a simple mobile app running in Mobile Safari (MS) on iOS. When the user scrolls down the page n pixels, a \"top\" button slides up from the bottom. The top butt
Here's how I'm dealing with this. With a position:fixed;bottom:0
toolbar of my own, I'm adding 44px offset to it (with a semi-transparent buffer zone) shortly after the safari toolbar is hidden (as this is the scenario where a tap near the bottom will reveal the toolbar again).
var min_inner_height = false;
var max_inner_height = false;
var passiveIfSupported = false;
try {
window.addEventListener("test", null, Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", {
get: function () {
passiveIfSupported = {
passive: true
} catch (err) {}
document.addEventListener('scroll', function (e) {
var win_inner_h = window.innerHeight;
if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
if (min_inner_height === false || win_inner_h < min_inner_height) {
min_inner_height = win_inner_h;
if ((max_inner_height === false || win_inner_h > max_inner_height) && win_inner_h > min_inner_height) {
max_inner_height = win_inner_h;
if (max_inner_height !== false && max_inner_height == win_inner_h) {
addElementClass(document.body, 'safari-toolbars-hidden');
} else {
removeElementClass(document.body, 'safari-toolbars-hidden');
}, passiveIfSupported);
This basically adds the .safari-toolbars-hidden
class to the sometime around when they disappear due to the user scrolling down the page.
At this point, I move my own toolbar up the page:
.my-bottom-toolbar {
bottom: 0px;
position: fixed;
@supports (-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch) {
/* CSS specific to iOS devices */
.my-bottom-toolbar {
box-shadow: 0 44px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
transition: bottom 0.15s ease-in-out;
.safari-toolbars-hidden .my-bottom-toolbar {
bottom: 44px;
Hope this helps someone!
Instead of offsetting by a further 44px, you could also add an extra 44px of bottom padding if that works better for your case.