Eclipse loops endlessly: Invoking 'Maven Project Builder'

后端 未结 18 771
遇见更好的自我 2021-02-02 05:56

Ugh! My Eclipse is stuck in an endless loop:

  • No operations to display at this time
  • Refreshing Workspace Building
  • Workspace. Invoking \'Maven Pro
  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-02 06:44

    M2e, even in eclipse mars, seems to like infinite building.

    In my case, no such thing as repeated build commands, as listed bellow. The only thing that seems to work when the project tree is gigantic is:

    1. open eclipse
    2. Disable build automatically as soon as you open eclipse
    3. refresh the workspace and trigger manual a Crtl+B or a build all.
    4. Once eclipse is satisfied that it build the full project tree ... better have four core machine or you're gonna be waiting a while, you can finely put the build automatically option active. Eclipse seems not to go in a building spree after that. It will still go for a while scanning some folders, but activating the build automatically - once you've built it all before - is much faster than a new build all, and finally, eclipse becomes stable stops building infinitely.

    Otherwise, you're stuck with the deprecated mvn eclipse:eclipse ... and have to abandon the use of maven commands from within eclipse echosystem. M2e seems to have a really gigantic hard time cooperating with the beast.

    I still use m2e, but must say it is 100 times more difficult to swallow m2e than maven integration in netbeans. On the otherhand, eclipse is much faster for very large code base. Pick your poison, you'll always get bitten.

