Another approach, since you produce all the numbers, is to use a generator.
The last element is your number n
reduced to a single digit number and to count how many times you have iterated, just read the length of the array.
const digits = [...to_single_digit(39)];
//=> [27, 14, 4]
Final thoughts
You may want to consider having a return-early condition in your function. Any numbers with a zero in it will return zero.
singleDigit(1024); //=> 0
singleDigit(9876543210); //=> 0
// possible solution: String(n).includes('0')
The same can be said for any numbers made of 1
singleDigit(11); //=> 1
singleDigit(111); //=> 1
singleDigit(11111); //=> 1
// possible solution: [...String(n)].every(n => n === '1')
Finally, you didn't clarify whether you accept only positive integers. If you accept negative integers then casting them to strings can be risky:
[...String(39)].reduce((x, y) => x * y)
//=> 27
[...String(-39)].reduce((x, y) => x * y)
//=> NaN
Possible solution:
const mult = n =>
[...String(Math.abs(n))].reduce((x, y) => x * y, n < 0 ? -1 : 1)
//=> 27
//=> -27