I have installed Material Theme UI and it made my IDE blackish. Later I decided to remove and and removed plugin. Unfortunately, this didn\'t give default colors back, some part
None of these worked for me as an acceptable solution. So here is what I figured out:
At this point most changes were back to default, but some things like colour of current tab, error highlights, modified files etc were still not back to usual. So I followed the advice of deleting config
and things returned to normal. But with this option you lose everything, even the installed plugins. And worst thing was, I was using a settings repository to sync settings, few minutes later the colours were back! So I did a diff with older config directory and then a git log
revealed that these files are the culprits.
Delete these 4 files from this path: .IntelliJIdea
Then do a git commit
and git push
to ensure these are synced to your repository. And finally theme was back to normal!