In Visual Studio, when you rename a variable name in its definition, there\'s a little underline in the last letter so if you hover that, you\'ll get the option \"Rename OldVari
Quick Notes: Ctrl + . works. But not if you hit backspace and then rename the variable name.
e.g. rename SenderEmail to senderEmail
If you highlight the S in SenderEmail and replace the letter and then use Ctrl + . you will see the popup to rename the variable. If you add a letter to the variable this still works. If you delete, it still works.
However, and this is what I do a lot - if you hit backspace on the SenderEmail and make it enderEmail and then add an s making it senderEmail and then hit Ctrl + . this will not work.
Shift+Alt+F10 also works in the same way.
Hope this helps! :)