I\'m looking for a PropType
that means
\"this is required, and it will either be a number or be null\"
In other words,
import propTypes from 'prop-types';
const nullable = propType => (props, propName, ...rest) =>
props[propName] === null ? null : propType(props, propName, ...rest);
const testMe = {
a: 'string',
b: 420,
c: null,
d: undefined,
e: undefined
const testSchema = {
a: nullable(propTypes.string.isRequired),
b: nullable(propTypes.string.isRequired),
c: nullable(propTypes.number.isRequired),
d: nullable(propTypes.bool.isRequired),
e: nullable(propTypes.number)
propTypes.checkPropTypes(testSchema, testMe, 'prop', 'testMe');
// Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `b` of type `number` supplied to `testMe`, expected `string`.
// Warning: Failed prop type: The prop `d` is marked as required in `testMe`, but its value is `undefined`.