I\'m trying to run my first kubernetes pod locally. I\'ve run the following command (from here):
export ARCH=amd64
docker run -d \\
--volume=/:/rootfs:ro \\
I too had this problem, when I checked I image that I was pulling from a private registry was removed If we describe pod it will show pulling event and the image it's trying to pull
kubectl describe pod
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Pulling 18h (x35 over 20h) kubelet, gsk-kub Pulling image "registeryName:tag"
Normal BackOff 11m (x822 over 20h) kubelet, gsk-kub Back-off pulling image "registeryName:tag"
Warning Failed 91s (x858 over 20h) kubelet, gsk-kub Error: ImagePullBackOff