With the new ConcurrentBag
in .NET 4, how do you remove a certain, specific object from it when only TryTake()
and TryPeek()
Mark is correct in that the ConcurrentDictionary is will work in the way you are wanting. If you wish to still use a ConcurrentBag the following, not efficient mind you, will get you there.
var stringToMatch = "test";
var temp = new List();
var x = new ConcurrentBag();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
x.Add(string.Format("adding{0}", i));
string y;
while (!x.IsEmpty)
x.TryTake(out y);
if(string.Equals(y, stringToMatch, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
foreach (var item in temp)