I want to parse a string into a type easily, but I don\'t want to write wrapper code for each type, I just want to be able to do \"1234\".Parse() or the like and have it return
Why can't you use the parsing already available?
Or use TryParse if you're not sure it will be able to successfully parse.
Or if you wanted to implement it as an extension method, take a look at this article that will show you how to create a Generic String.Parse method.
Edit: I have no idea how that site went down so quickly after I posted my answer. Here is the class that the article created:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
public static class Parser {
public static T Parse(this string value) {
// Get default value for type so if string
// is empty then we can return default value.
T result = default(T);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) {
// we are not going to handle exception here
// if you need SafeParse then you should create
// another method specially for that.
TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(T));
result = (T)tc.ConvertFrom(value);
return result;
// regular parsing
int i = "123".Parse();
int? inull = "123".Parse();
DateTime d = "01/12/2008".Parse();
DateTime? dn = "01/12/2008".Parse();
// null values
string sample = null;
int? k = sample.Parse(); // returns null
int l = sample.Parse(); // returns 0
DateTime dd = sample.Parse(); // returns 01/01/0001
DateTime? ddn = sample.Parse(); // returns null