As explained in link-in-django-admin-to-foreign-key-object, one can display a ForeignKey field as a link to the admin detail page.
To summarize,
class Fo
A good start would be looking at the source of BaseModelAdmin and ModelAdmin. Try to find out how the ModelAdmin generates the default links.
Extend ModelAdmin
, add a method to generate links to arbitrary foreign keys and look at how ChangeList generates the change list.
I would also suggest you use format_html to render the links, which makes link_to_bar.allow_tags = True
from django.utils.html import format_html
class FooAdmin(ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('link_to_bar', )
def link_to_bar(self, obj):
link = urlresolvers.reverse('admin:app_bar_change', args=[obj.bar_id])
return format_html('{}', link, if else None