We are have a site with a feed similar to pinterest and are planning to refactor the jquery soup into something more structured. The two most likely candidates are AngularJS an
The main thing that remains unanswered in Dan's answer is the initial page load. We're still not satisfied with the approach that we have to do it client side - it still seems to us that there is a risk for SEO and initial page load. We have a fair amount of SEO traffic and looking for more - these people are coming to our site with no cache and we have a few seconds to catch them.
There are a few options to handle angular on the server side - I'll try to collect some of them here:
https://github.com/ithkuil/angular-on-server https://github.com/ithkuil/angular-on-server/wiki/Running-AngularJS-on-the-server-with-Node.js-and-jsdom
will add more as they come up.