I\'m trying to convert an integer 10 into the binary number 1010.
This code attempts it, but I get a segfault on the strcat():
int int_to_bin(int k)
You need to initialise bin, e.g.
bin = malloc(1);
bin[0] = '\0';
or use calloc:
bin = calloc(1, 1);
You also have a bug here:
bin = (char *)realloc(bin, sizeof(char) * (sizeof(bin)+1));
this needs to be:
bin = (char *)realloc(bin, sizeof(char) * (strlen(bin)+1));
(i.e. use strlen
, not sizeof
And you should increase the size before calling strcat.
And you're not freeing bin, so you have a memory leak.
And you need to convert 0, 1 to '0', '1'.
And you can't strcat a char to a string.
So apart from that, it's close, but the code should probably be more like this (warning, untested !):
int int_to_bin(int k)
char *bin;
int tmp;
bin = calloc(1, 1);
while (k > 0)
bin = realloc(bin, strlen(bin) + 2);
bin[strlen(bin) - 1] = (k % 2) + '0';
bin[strlen(bin)] = '\0';
k = k / 2;
tmp = atoi(bin);
return tmp;