In react-native i design a sample,when i check it in different IOS devices here is my code:
render() {
return (
I've written the following code for my project:
On the file: multiResolution.js
I have:
export function getCorrectFontSizeForScreen(PixelRatio, screenWidth, screenHeight, currentFont){
let devRatio = PixelRatio.get();
let factor = (((screenWidth*devRatio)/320)+((screenHeight*devRatio)/640))/2.0;
let maxFontDifferFactor = 5; //the maximum pixels of font size we can go up or down
// console.log("The factor is: "+factor);
return currentFont-float2int(maxFontDifferFactor*0.3);
}else if((factor>=1) && (factor<=1.6)){
return currentFont-float2int(maxFontDifferFactor*0.1);
}else if((factor>=1.6) && (factor<=2)){
return currentFont;
}else if((factor>=2) && (factor<=3)){
return currentFont+float2int(maxFontDifferFactor*0.65);
}else if (factor>=3){
return currentFont+float2int(maxFontDifferFactor);
function float2int (value) {
return value | 0;
Then on each react-native component I do:
import { PixelRatio } from 'react-native';
import {getCorrectFontSizeForScreen} from './multiResolution'
import Dimensions from 'Dimensions';
const {height:h, width:w} = Dimensions.get('window'); // Screen dimensions in current orientation
and then on my styles
I do:
var portraitStyles = StyleSheet.create({
titleText: {
fontSize: getCorrectFontSizeForScreen(PixelRatio, w,h,27),//magic takes place here
It's custom but it has worked very well for me.
Also (irrelevant to your question but I'm going to say it anyway), I use widths and heights relevant to the screenWidth and screenHeight like so:
aStyleForAnElement:{ //this element will occupy
width: w*0.55, //55% of the screen width
height:h*0.05 //5% of the screen height
This is how I support different screen sizes in my project till now.
As time passes we learn. At the time I wrote this post I had no other solution to manage font sizes rather than use custom code, but right now I don't have to do any of this:
I simply tell our designer to design for the lowest resolution available 320x480 (and give me the font sizes in points instead of pixels) and then I just use points instead of pixels while designing for 320x480.
All the screens above 320x480 will be taken care of automatically with react-native, I don't have to write ANY fancy code at all to automatically manage that.
My components now simply look like that:
textAlign: 'center',
fontSize: 16, // this is 16 points
color: 'white',
backgroundColor: 'transparent',