From the UX point of view, it will be great to show the user a thumbnail first until the real image completes loading, then showing it to him, but Picasso uses only a resource f
You could write a simple helper which calls Picasso twice (as you mentioned).
I've not tested it, but it should go like
.into(imageView, new Callback() {
public void onSuccess() {
// TODO Call Picasso once again here
public void onError() {
There are a couple of different ways to get your Picasso called twice. One method I could think of (again, not tested) is
public static void loadImageWithCallback(String url, Callback callback) {
.into(imageView, callback);
public static void loadImage(String url) {
loadImageWithCallback("", new Callback() {
public void onSuccess() {
public void onError() {
Edit: All I know is that Picasso provides this callback mechanism. I'm using it in my app to hide a ProgressBar that is displayed until the image is loaded. I'll hide it in success or error callbacks - so you'll have the option to get notified when image loading is done. Then you can simply call it again. I hope the above approach works.