I have been investigating the Facebook Open Graph API. There is a \"manage pages\" extended permission which allows publishing to a user\'s Facebook Page news feed/wall via \"im
There's a way to do it via the API. We finally got it to work, after many hours of sweat and tears :)
You can add a tab to a page without leaving your app. Here's a snippet of code that we used for that. We get a list of pages that a user manages, show them in a drop down and ask them to select what page they want to add our "my agent profile" tab to.
And the final product looks something like this - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jennifer-Anderson-Real-Estate-Agent/185071901564573?sk=app_253956901293839
protected void btnAddTab_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ddlPage2.SelectedIndex >= 0)
FaceBookPages page = FaceBookPages.LookupByPageID(long.Parse(ddlPage2.SelectedValue));
if (page == null)
throw new NPlaySysException("FaceBookPages is null.");
AnalyticLog log = new AnalyticLog();
log.EventID = FBCommon.Events.AddAgentAppTabID;
log.UserID = UserID;
log.EventTime = DateTime.Now;
string result = FacebookSvc.AddTab(Web.AgentAppID, "me", page.AccessToken);
if (result.Equals("true"))
FaceBookPages.UpdateAgentProfileAdded(page.PageID, true);
List notTabbedPages = FaceBookPages.LookupAgentProfileNotAddedByUserID(UserID);
imgStep3.ImageUrl = StepDoneImagePath;
divStep3.Attributes["class"] = StepDoneCssClass;
phStep3.Visible = false;
Step3Done = true;
btnCloseStep3.Visible = false;
if (notTabbedPages.Count > 0)
btnEditStep3.Visible = true;
btnEditStep3.Visible = false;
lblErrorAddTab.Text = "Failed to add your profile to page.";
Web.EmailError(string.Format("FacebookSvc.AddTab Failed. result={0}
PageID={2}", result, UserID, page.PageID));