I\'m currently looking for a solution to test Android Apps automatically, native Android apps as well as hybrid Cordova/Phonegap apps.
The UI Automator from Google looks
Generally, testing hybrid apps is quite a challenge with API-based approaches. It can be done, but typically you need to integrate the UI technologies (e.g. WebView, Native, OpenGL, ...) with several APIs or some kind of wrapper (like Selendroid).
Here at TestObject (I'm one of the co-founders) we've created an Image-based UI testing approach specifically for cases like hybrid apps, interaction between apps, and so forth. This black-box approach is solely based on capturing the screen - we don't care what happens underneath.
Feel free to give it a try (http://testobject.com/) with your hybrid Cordova/Phonegap app and let me know how it worked out in comparison to UI Automator, Selendroid, Appium. Let us know if you stumble over any issues.