Two processes (Java and Python) need to communicate in my application. I noticed that the socket communication takes 93% of the run time. Why is communication so slow? Should I
Some thoughts
An odd combination, but is there any reason one cannot call the other sending via stdin, stdout?
Any call to the OS is going to be relatively slow (latency wise). Using shared memory can by pass the kernel. If throughput is you issue, I have found you can reach 1-2 GB/s using sockets if latency isn't such an issue for you.
Making shared memory ideal.
Not sure why this is the case. Why not build a single structure/buffer and write it once. I would use a direct buffer is NIO to minimise latency. Using character translation is pretty expensive, esp if you only need ASCII.
Should be easy to optimise.
I use shared memory via memory mapped files. This is because I need to record every message for auditing purposes. I get an average latency of around 180 ns round trip sustained for millions of messages, and about 490 ns in a real application.
One advantage of this approach is that if there are short delays, the reader can catch up very quickly with the writer. It also support re-start and replication easily.
This is only implemented in Java, but the principle is simple enough and I am sure it would work in python as well.