I\'ve done some research and I can\'t seem to find anything that clearly explains how to go about preloading both single textures and textures within animations. I\'m currently
Put all your assets into a single Sprite Atlas. If they don't fit, try at least to put all the assets of a single scene into a single Sprite Atlas
If you want you can preload the texture atlas in memory with this code
SKTextureAtlas(named: "YourTextureAtlasName").preloadWithCompletionHandler {
// Now everything you put into the texture atlas has been loaded in memory
You don't need to save a reference to the texture atlas, SpriteKit has an internal caching system. Let it do it's job.
Forget the name of the file image, the name you assign to the image into Asset Catalog is the only name you will need.
let texture = SKTextureAtlas(named:"croc").textureNamed("croc_walk01")
let croc = SKSpriteNode(texture: texture)