I have a web application that I wrote using a lot of different 3rd party components, a CMS and of course my code. For some reason I get out of memory exception.
In your analysis, I see that the .net analysis is not done correctly. Are you doing analysis in the same machine where you have captured the memory dump ?
For debugdiag to work correctly, you have to have the same version of .net framework (of the application) installed on the analyzing machine as well.
Also Please do not do native memory leak dump like this ,unless it is not figured out unmanaged leak.From the analysis of yours, it looks like this is managed leak.
When you changed the web.config file,it causes an Application domain unload and reload
Let's do step by step
Now compare the analysis of each dump file(1 GB,2 GB, 3.5 GB), it should tell you which .NET objects are increasing and not getting garbage collected.
In the memory analysis, you should see CLR Information****,.NET GC Heap Information ,Most memory Consuming .NET Objects etc like below. This will come if your .net symbols are correctly identified by debugdiag analysis
CLR Information
CLR version = 4.6.1648.0
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime version =
.NET GC Heap Information
Number of GC Heaps: 4
Heap Size 0x4001ce8 (67,116,264)
Heap Size 0x3d5cca0 (64,343,200)
Heap Size 0x3f8b0d0 (66,629,840)
Heap Size 0x3ccb0d0 (63,746,256)
GC Heap Size 249.71 MBytes
Total Commit Size 249 MB
Total Reserved Size 17158 MB
40 most memory consuming .NET object types
System.Char[] 193.01 MBytes (12450 objects )
Free 45.21 MBytes (4760 objects )
System.String 1.56 MBytes (18072 objects )
==============trimmed out =======================
DebugDaig Automated analysis should give following
Please note that sometimes the debugdiag automated analysis cannot figure out the root cause and needs manual analysis using windbg. DebugDiag analysis,please refer this video.
Hope this helps!