I have implemented function to detect USB device. It works and now i need to send/read data.
I started look over a lot of obj-c
sources and found only one
The article you reference has a function called WriteToDevice. One of its parameters is
UInt8 writeBuffer[]
This writeBuffer, the data that you want to send, is a C array of bytes:
uint8_t msgLength = 3;
uint8_t writeBuffer[msgLength];
writeBuffer[0] = 0x41; // ASCII 'A'
writeBuffer[1] = 0x42; // ASCII 'B'
writeBuffer[2] = 0x43; // ASCII 'C'
What bytes do you need to send? That really depends on the device at the other end -- the technical data from the manufacturer should tell you that. To pass the C-array as NSData, which is probably what pData is, you'd use:
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&writeBuffer length:3];
The (z)wLenDone is probably what I called the msgLength, 3. C-array's have no knowledge of their own length, so most functions require the length as a separate parameter.
As for receiving data, I would guess that happens in the matchingCallback: you use the iterator to receive the bytes and then parse them.
I'm not familiar with C#, and I'm no expert at this stuff, but maybe this will help:
var package = new UsbSetupPacket(
(byte)(UsbCtrlFlags.Direction_In |
UsbCtrlFlags.Recipient_Device |
UsbCtrlFlags.RequestType_Standard), // Index
6, // length of data, second phase
0x200, // Request
0, // RequestType
(short)length); // Value
A few observations: know nothing of C#, but should not the package be typed to struct? RequestType is 0, so you will receive no response -- is that what you want? Or did you want to send UsbCtrlFlags.RequestType_Standard as the fourth parameter? Why send the length as a value?
Anyway, what you do now is send the package to the USB device and see what happens.