I\'m trying to get a Mobilenetv2 model (retrained last layers to my data) to run on the Google edge TPU Coral.
I\'ve followed this tuturial https://www.tensorflow.org/li
I have the same problem and the same error message. I retrained MobilenetV2 using tensorflow.keras.applications mobilenetv2. I found that there are some big differences in the TFLite tensors between my model and the Coral's example model(https://coral.withgoogle.com/models/).
First, types of input and output are different. When I convert my tf.keras model to tflite, it contains float type input and output tensors while the example model has an integer type. This is different if I use a command-line conversion and python conversion from tensorflow-lite (https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/convert/). The command-line conversion outputs the integer type io, but python conversion outputs the float type io. (This is really strange.)
Second, there is no Batch normalization(BN) layer in the example model however there are some BNs in Keras MobilenetV2. I think the number of 'ERROR: quantized_dimension must be in range [0, 1). Was 3.' is related to the number of BN because there are 17 BN layers in Keras model.
I'm still struggling with this problem. I'm just going to follow the Coral's retraining example to solve it. (https://coral.withgoogle.com/docs/edgetpu/retrain-detection/)