`BDK = \"0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210\"` `KSN = \"FFFF9876543210E00008\"`
The ciphertext generated was below
Since this is one of the first topics that come up regarding this I figured I'd share how I was able to encode the ciphertext. This is the first time I've worked with Ruby and it was specifically to work with DUKPT
First I had to get the ipek and pek (same as in the decrypt) method. Then unpack the plaintext string. Convert the unpacked string to a 72 byte array (again, forgive me if my terminology is incorrect).
I noticed in the dukpt gem author example he used the following plain text string
"%B5452300551227189^HOGAN/PAUL ^08043210000000725000000?\x00\x00\x00\x00"
I feel this string is incorrect as there shouldn't be a space after the name (AFAIK).. so it should be
All in all, this is the solution I ended up on that can encrypt a string and then decrypt it using DUKPT
class Encrypt
include DUKPT::Encryption
attr_reader :bdk
def initialize(bdk, mode=nil)
@bdk = bdk
self.cipher_mode = mode.nil? ? 'cbc' : mode
def encrypt(plaintext, ksn)
ipek = derive_IPEK(bdk, ksn)
pek = derive_PEK(ipek, ksn)
message = plaintext.unpack("H*").first
message = hex_string_from_unpacked(message, 72)
encrypted_cryptogram = triple_des_encrypt(pek,message).upcase
def hex_string_from_unpacked val, bytes
val.ljust(bytes * 2, "0")
boomedukpt FFFF9876543210E00008 "%B5452300551227189^HOGAN/PAUL^08043210000000725000000?"
(my ruby gem, the KSN and the plain text string)
(my ruby gem doing a puts on the unpacked string after calling hex_string_from_unpacked)
(my ruby gem doing a puts on the encrypted string)
(my ruby gem doing a puts after calling decrypt on the dukpt gem)