I\'m working on a large game engine that must be ported to Android. All the code is C/C++, so we are porting via the NDK. I\'ve got everything building, but after lots of scou
Do you have different Application.mk files for each target?
No. Separate subdirectories, all with their own Android.mk (shared and static libs) but only one Application.mk for me.
My Application.mk is just:
APP_STL := gnustl_static
APP_OPTIM := debug
I'm still uncertain what the best method is for building Debug vs. Release versions of our .so file. Changing things by hand every time is getting old.
It's a bit spread out, for me at least, using the jni/Android.mk + Application.mk layout.
Application.mk has APP_OPTIM := debug
Then in the application element of AndroidManifest.xml I have android:debuggable="true"
When you build with ndk-build, it uses this manifest flag to determine optimization (which is useful to turn off or on, off for profiling, etc.)
(A Little Off topic) I recently ran across
Which, when combined with http://code.google.com/p/jrfonseca/wiki/Gprof2Dot
Generates some pretty images to help my little mind grasp how things are running over on the phone itself.