I\'m currently working on map overlay which highlights the route along specified points and I need to implement certain line style (something like on screenshot)
I managed to find a better solution for my problem. So I got rid of my custom path effect and started to use usual stroke. So I basically draw my path 2 times: at first I draw black line, after that I draw thiner transparent line to clear the center of previous black line.
The only trick in this approach is that I need to draw my path in a separate bitmap (using temp canvas) and when path bitmap is ready - render it to the main canvas.
Hope this will help somebody else
public void draw(Canvas canvas, final MapView mapView, boolean shadow)
//Generate new bitmap if old bitmap doesn't equal to the screen size (f.i. when screen orientation changes)
if(pathBitmap == null || pathBitmap.isRecycled() || pathBitmap.getWidth()!=canvas.getWidth() || pathBitmap.getHeight()!=canvas.getHeight())
if(pathBitmap != null)
pathBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), Config.ARGB_8888);
//Render routes to the temporary bitmap
//Render temporary bitmap onto main canvas
canvas.drawBitmap(pathBitmap, 0, 0, null);
private void renderPath(Path path, Canvas canvas)
canvas.drawPath(path, routePaint); //render outer line
routePaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.CLEAR));
canvas.drawPath(path, routePaint); //render inner line
So result looks like: