I have a view controller with a child view controller.
tab bar controller
nav controller
UIPageViewController (should rotate)
A (Video Player) (shoul
Short answer: No, all visible controllers and views rotate (or don't rotate) together.
Long answer:
First, you must implement autorotate decision functions in the root controller; that may mean making a nav controller subclass.
You can hack your desired behavior by having the parent view autorotate -- but have it manually rotate itself back to appear un-rotated.
Or, you can NOT autorotate, but listen for notifications that the physical device rotated, and manually rotate whatever views you want to, eg: Replicate camera app rotation to landscape IOS 6 iPhone
Also see, fyi:
How to force a UIViewController to Portrait orientation in iOS 6
shouldAutoRotate Method Not Called in iOS6
iOS6: supportedInterfaceOrientations not working (is invoked but the interface still rotates)
How to implement UIViewController rotation in response to orientation changes?