Consider the following problem. You have a bit-string that represents the current scheduled slave in one-hot encoding. For example, \"00000100\" (with the leftmost bit being #7
I've found the following Verilog code for implementing the task in the Altera advanced synthesis cookbook.
// 'base' is a one hot signal indicating the first request
// that should be considered for a grant. Followed by higher
// indexed requests, then wrapping around.
module arbiter (
req, grant, base
parameter WIDTH = 16;
input [WIDTH-1:0] req;
output [WIDTH-1:0] grant;
input [WIDTH-1:0] base;
wire [2*WIDTH-1:0] double_req = {req,req};
wire [2*WIDTH-1:0] double_grant = double_req & ~(double_req-base);
assign grant = double_grant[WIDTH-1:0] | double_grant[2*WIDTH-1:WIDTH];
It uses subtraction (only once, though), so conceptually it's quite similar to Doug's solution.