I have searched many websites and I didn\'t find a way to implement phone authentication in Flutter using Firebase. Can anyone tell me how to this?
Well Documented Working Demo project here
Below is the detailed procedure
object is the only thing that is used to signIn the user.
It is obtained either from verificationCompleted
callback function in verifyPhoneNumber
or from the PhoneAuthProvider
.(Don't worry if it's confusing, keep reading, you'll get it)
is not in the device that is currently running the app,
to signIn
This method works even if the phoneNumber
is in the deviceverificationCompleted
callback from submitPhoneNumber
function gives the AuthCredential
object which is needed to signIn the userFuture _submitPhoneNumber() async {
/// NOTE: Either append your phone number country code or add in the code itself
/// Since I'm in India we use "+91 " as prefix `phoneNumber`
String phoneNumber = "+91 " + _phoneNumberController.text.toString().trim();
/// The below functions are the callbacks, separated so as to make code more readable
void verificationCompleted(AuthCredential phoneAuthCredential) {
this._phoneAuthCredential = phoneAuthCredential;
void verificationFailed(AuthException error) {
void codeSent(String verificationId, [int code]) {
void codeAutoRetrievalTimeout(String verificationId) {
await FirebaseAuth.instance.verifyPhoneNumber(
/// Make sure to prefix with your country code
phoneNumber: phoneNumber,
/// `seconds` didn't work. The underlying implementation code only reads in `milliseconds`
timeout: Duration(milliseconds: 10000),
/// If the SIM (with phoneNumber) is in the current device this function is called.
/// This function gives `AuthCredential`. Moreover `login` function can be called from this callback
verificationCompleted: verificationCompleted,
/// Called when the verification is failed
verificationFailed: verificationFailed,
/// This is called after the OTP is sent. Gives a `verificationId` and `code`
codeSent: codeSent,
/// After automatic code retrival `tmeout` this function is called
codeAutoRetrievalTimeout: codeAutoRetrievalTimeout,
); // All the callbacks are above
void _submitOTP() {
/// get the `smsCode` from the user
String smsCode = _otpController.text.toString().trim();
/// when used different phoneNumber other than the current (running) device
/// we need to use OTP to get `phoneAuthCredential` which is inturn used to signIn/login
this._phoneAuthCredential = PhoneAuthProvider.getCredential(
verificationId: this._verificationId, smsCode: smsCode);
Future _login() async {
/// This method is used to login the user
/// `AuthCredential`(`_phoneAuthCredential`) is needed for the signIn method
/// After the signIn method from `AuthResult` we can get `FirebaserUser`(`_firebaseUser`)
try {
await FirebaseAuth.instance
.then((AuthResult authRes) {
_firebaseUser = authRes.user;
} catch (e) {
Future _logout() async {
/// Method to Logout the `FirebaseUser` (`_firebaseUser`)
try {
// signout code
await FirebaseAuth.instance.signOut();
_firebaseUser = null;
} catch (e) {
For more details on implementation please refer to the lib/main.dart
file here.
If you found issues, edits are welcome to this answer and to this repo README