I need to draw centered text to a CGContext.
I started with a Cocoa approach. I created a NSCell with the text and tried to draw it thus:
Swift 5 version!
let targetSize: CGSize = // the space you have available for drawing the text
let origin: CGPoint = // where you want to position the top-left corner
let string: String = // your string
let font: UIFont = // your font
let attrs: [NSAttributedString.Key:Any] = [.font: font]
let boundingRect = string.boundingRect(with: targetSize, options: [.usesLineFragmentOrigin], attributes: attrs, context: nil)
let textRect = CGRect(origin: origin, size: boundingRect.size)
text.draw(with: textRect, options: [.usesLineFragmentOrigin], attributes: attrs, context: nil)