Currently I\'m working on a music project, dealing with user mp3 uploads. The problem is that I can\'t find an id3 library that will work correctly for all files. I have tried
I've used this:
gem install ruby-mp3info
(add the regulation sudo
for Mac or *nix)
There's some rdoc documentation, which is nice. On the downside, I don't much like the use of upper-case field names, which seems too concerned to preserve the names from the spec. Maybe I should hack in some aliases. Anyway, this sample script scans my music library and counts words in titles:
require 'mp3info'
count = 0
words = { |h, k| h[k] = 0 }
Dir.glob("E:/MUSIC/**/*.mp3") do |f|
count += 1 do |mp3info|
title = mp3info.tag2.TIT2
next unless title
title.split(/\s/).each { |w| words[w.downcase] += 1 }
puts "Examined #{count} files"
words.to_a.sort{ |a, b| b[1] <=> a[1] }[0,100].each { |w| puts "#{w[0]}: #{w[1]}" }