i searched alot but i couldnt connect my websocket to wss:// , i found that there is a way to proxy wss://domain.com:9090 and apache apply the proxy on it and redirect request
The /websocket path is missing in your ProxyPass configuration path.
ProxyPass /websocket ws://example.com:9090/websocket
ProxyPassReverse /websocket ws://example.com:9090/websocket
Additional information: Like others mentioned, you have to uncomment the line:
LoadModule proxy_wstunnel_module modules/mod_proxy_wstunnel.so
If you are also using a http ProxyPass thats relative path is "/" (forwarding everything directly), the specific "/websocket" path configuration must be configured first, otherwise "/" grabs first.
ProxyPass /websocket ws://example.com:9090/websocket
ProxyPassReverse /websocket ws://example.com:9090/websocket
ProxyPass balancer://ac-cluster/
ProxyPassReverse / http://example.com:9090