Using Xamarin Forms, consider the Xaml below.
Using ScrollView as mentioned above fixes problem in iOS and partially fixes in Android. To fully fix problem in android, I found another simple and nice addition.
Only in android I replace Xamarin forms Editor with android specific TextEdit control. So in my Page constructor I have following code just for android.
#if __ANDROID__
// I have editor defined in xaml named ReportTextEditor in stacklayout named MainStackLayout
Editor sharedEditor = this.ReportTextEditor;
MainStackLayout.Children.Remove(sharedEditor); //removing the ReportTextEditor which was defined in xaml
EditText editText = new EditText(Forms.Context); //created android specific editor
editText.InputType = InputTypes.ClassText | InputTypes.TextFlagAutoCorrect | InputTypes.TextFlagCapSentences | InputTypes.TextFlagMultiLine; //keyboard options, optional
MainStackLayout.Children.Add(editText); //Added android specific edit text to my stack layout
You also need to add android specific namespaces as needed.
#if __ANDROID__
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;
using Android.Widget;
using Button = Xamarin.Forms.Button;
using Android.Text;