I am trying to create a \"Todo App\" with angularjs ui-router
. It has 2 columns:
I would give an example (a draft) of HOW TO nest edit
into detail
. Well, firstly let's amend the templates.
The Detail
template, contains full definition of the detail. Plus it now contains the attribute ui-view="editView"
. This will assure, that the edit, will "replace" the detail from the visibility perspective - while the edit scope will inherit all the detail settings. That's the power of ui-router
So, secondly let's move the edit state
, into the detail
// keep detail definition as it is
.state('todo.details', {
url: '/{id:[0-9]*}',
views: {
'detailsColumn': {
controller: 'DetailsCtrl',
templateUrl: '/_todo_details.html'
// brand new definition of the Edit
.state('todo.details.edit', { // i.e.: url for detail like /todo/details/1/edit
url: '/edit',
views: {
'editView': { // inject into the parent/detail view
controller: 'EditCtrl',
templateUrl: '/_todo_edit.html'
Having this adjusted state
and template
mapping, we do have a lot. Now we can profit from the ui-router
in a full power.
We'll define some methods on a DetailCtrl
(remember, to be available on the inherit Edit state)
var DetailsCtrl = function ($scope, $stateParams, Todos) {
$scope.id = $stateParams.id // keep it here
// model will keep the item (todos) and a copy for rollback
$scope.model = {
todos : {},
original : {},
// declare the Load() method
$scope.load = function() {
.get({ id: $stateParams.id })
// item loaded, and its backup copy created
$scope.model.todos = response.data;
$scope.model.original = angular.copy($scope.model.todos);
// also explicitly load, but just once,
// not auto-triggered when returning back from Edit-child
OK, it should be clear now, that we do have a model
with the item model.todos
and its backup model.original
The Edit controller could have two actions: Save()
and Cancel()
var EditCtrl = function ($scope, $stateParams, $state, Todos) {
$scope.action = 'Edit';
// ATTENTION, no declaration of these,
// we inherited them from parent view !
//$scope.id .. // we DO have them
//$scope.model ...
// the save, then force reload, and return to detail
$scope.save = function () {
.update({ id: id })
// Success
// Error
// a nice and quick how to rollback
$scope.cancel = function () {
$scope.model.todos = Angular.copy($scope.model.original);
That should give some idea, how to navigate between parent/child states and forcing reload.
NOTE in fact, instead of Angular.copy() I am using lo-dash _.cloneDeep() but both should work