I have been playing with the Ruby library \"shoes\". Basically you can write a GUI application in the following way:
Shoes.app do
t = para \"Not clicked!\"
## All you need is this class:
class MainWindow(Window):
my_button = Button('Click Me')
my_paragraph = Text('This is the text you wish to place')
my_alert = AlertBox('What what what!!!')
def my_button_clicked(self, button, event):
self.my_paragraph.text.append('And now you clicked on it, the button that is.')
def my_paragraph_text_changed(self, text, event):
self.button.text = 'No more clicks!'
def my_button_text_changed(self, text, event):
## The Style class is automatically gnerated by the framework
## but you can override it by defining it in the class:
## class MainWindow(Window):
## class Style:
## my_blah = {'style-info': 'value'}
## or like you see below:
class Style:
my_button = {
'background-color': '#ccc',
'font-size': '14px'}
my_paragraph = {
'background-color': '#fff',
'color': '#000',
'font-size': '14px',
'border': '1px solid black',
'border-radius': '3px'}
MainWindow.Style = Style
## The layout class is automatically generated
## by the framework but you can override it by defining it
## in the class, same as the Style class above, or by
## defining it like this:
class MainLayout(Layout):
def __init__(self, style):
# It takes the custom or automatically generated style class upon instantiation
style.window.pack(HBox().pack(style.my_paragraph, style.my_button))
MainWindow.Layout = MainLayout
if __name__ == '__main__':
It would be relatively easy to do in python with a bit of that metaclass python magic know how. Which I have. And a knowledge of PyGTK. Which I also have. Gets ideas?