I am working on an app for OS X 10.9 with swift, sandboxed.
The app needs access to a SQLite database file. I let the user choose/open a file with NSOpenPanel. I then sa
Here's more clean solution with SWIFT 5.0:
import Foundation
import Cocoa
class BookmarkManager {
static let manager = BookmarkManager()
// Save bookmark for URL. Use this inside the NSOpenPanel `begin` closure
func saveBookmark(for url: URL){
guard let bookmarkDic = self.getBookmarkData(url: url),
let bookmarkURL = getBookmarkURL() else{
print("Error getting data or bookmarkURL")
let data = try NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: bookmarkDic, requiringSecureCoding: false)
try data.write(to: bookmarkURL)
print("Did save data to url")
print("Couldn't save bookmarks")
// Load bookmarks when your app launch for example
func loadBookmarks()
guard let url = self.getBookmarkURL() else {
if self.fileExists(url)
let fileData = try Data(contentsOf: url)
if let fileBookmarks = try NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData(fileData) as! [URL: Data]?
for bookmark in fileBookmarks{
self.restoreBookmark(key: bookmark.key, value: bookmark.value)
print ("Couldn't load bookmarks")
private func restoreBookmark(key: URL, value: Data){
let restoredUrl: URL?
var isStale = false
Swift.print ("Restoring \(key)")
restoredUrl = try URL.init(resolvingBookmarkData: value, options: NSURL.BookmarkResolutionOptions.withSecurityScope, relativeTo: nil, bookmarkDataIsStale: &isStale)
Swift.print ("Error restoring bookmarks")
restoredUrl = nil
if let url = restoredUrl
if isStale
Swift.print ("URL is stale")
if !url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource()
Swift.print ("Couldn't access: \(url.path)")
private func getBookmarkData(url: URL) -> [URL: Data]?{
let data = try? url.bookmarkData(options: NSURL.BookmarkCreationOptions.withSecurityScope, includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil, relativeTo: nil)
if let data = data{
return [url: data]
return nil
private func getBookmarkURL() -> URL? {
let urls = FileManager.default.urls(for: .applicationSupportDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)
if let appSupportURL = urls.last{
let url = appSupportURL.appendingPathComponent("Bookmarks.dict")
return url
return nil
private func fileExists(_ url: URL) -> Bool
var isDir = ObjCBool(false)
let exists = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path, isDirectory: &isDir)
return exists