I maintain a complex Angular (1.5.x) application that is being E2E tested using Protractor (2.5.x). I am experiencing a problem with this approach, which presents primarily in t
A workaround that my team has been using is to re-run only failed tests using the plugin protractor-errors. Using this tool, we can identify real failures versus flakey tests within 2-3 runs. To add the plugin, just add a require statement to the bottom of the Protractor config's onPrepare function:
exports.config = {
onPrepare: function() {
You will need to pass these additional parameters when to run your tests with the plugin:
protractor config.js --params.errorsPath 'jasmineReports' --params.currentTime (timestamp) --params.errorRun (true or false)
There is also a cli tool that will handle generating the currentTime if you don't have an easy way to pass in a timestamp.