I\'m looking for tools for Perl GUI programming on Windows for educational/in-house development, mostly science related.
My first choice was PerlQt. A friend of mine was
For real cross platform GUI programming I would suggest Prima or Tk. Neither look great, but they work.
Still, I think you might be better served (hehe) by using a web front-end than a true GUI these days; this is easy using a web-framework. I would suggest Mojolicious though other people do like Dancer. My primary reason for suggesting Mojo over Dancer is that Mojo comes with lots of functionality in one tiny package. Then again, this is the reason that others would recommend Dancer, so that's a toss.
A final consideration is that Mojo comes with WebSockets out of the box. This makes it rather easy for your webapp to feel more like a true application, talking back to the server and getting responses without reloading.
Edit: I now have a good example of a desktop application written with a Perl/Mojo backend and a web-frontent: Azawawi's Farabi. It is a text-editor, geared towards writing Perl. It's GUI is the browser, making it a simple cross-platform editor. I recommend it as a starting point for similar tasks.