I am trying to get my head around covariance in respect with methods creating new immutable types using lower bounds
class ImmutableArray[+T](item: T, existing:
Your class offers 2 operations involving T:
nextImmutableArray = new ImmutableArray(nextT, priorImmutableArray)
Because of this operation, the type parameter T must be co-variant: +T. That allows you to construct with the parameter set to an object of type (T OR a subtype of T).
Think: it's valid to construct an array of Oranges by including a Valencia Orange.
This method doesn't append to your data structure. It takes two independent elements (your array instance this and an extra object) and it combines them within a newly constructed array. You could consider changing your method name to appendIntoCopy. Even better, you could use the name +. But to be most correct and consistent with Scala conventions, the best name would be :+ .
Why am I waffling on about a 'random' method name, when you asked a specific question???
Because precise nature of the method determines whether the returned data structure is (a) non-variant with T (b) co-variant with T (c) contra-variant with T.
When you combine arrays and elements, the newly created data structure must have a type parameter that is a supertype of the common ancestor type. Otherwise it couldn't contain the original elements. In general when you carry out "a :+ b", where A is an Array[A] and b is of type B, the resulting data structure is Array[Some_SuperType_Of_Both_A_and_B].
Think: if I start with an array of Oranges, then add a Lemon, I end up with an array of Citrus Fruit (not Oranges, Navel Oranges, nor Lemons).
Method Rules (strict on input, accomodating on output):
In case of append: Start with T, Output Data Structure = Contra-Variant to T, Type S uses T as a lower-bound, so Input Parameter = Co-Variant with S. This means that if T1 is a subtype of T2 then ImmutableArray[T1] is a subtype of ImmutableArray[T2] and that it can be substituted wherever the latter is expected, with all methods following Liskov's substitution principle.