I start a new mongo instance, create a user, authorize it, but when I run \"show collections\", the system says that the id is not authorized. I do not know why?
As Robert says, admin users has only rights to admin, not to write in databases. So you have to create a custom user for your database. There's different ways. I have choose the dbOwner way.
(I use Ubuntu Server, mongo 2.6.3 and Robomongo)
So to do this, fisrt create your admin user like mongo says :
type mongo
in your linux shell
and these command in the mongo shell :
use admin
edit the mongo conf file with :
nano /etc/mongod.conf
You can use vi if nano is not installed.
activate authentication by uncommented/adding these line auth=true
if you want to use Robomongo from other machine change the line bind_ip=
by bind_ip=
(maybe you should add more protection in production).
type in linux shell :
service mongod restart
And in mongo shell :
use admin
use doomnewdatabase
db.createUser({user:"doom",pwd:"chooseyourdoompassword",customData:{desc:"Just me as I am"},roles : [{role:"dbOwner",db:"doomnewdatabase"}]})
show collections
(customData is not required).
If you want to try if it works, type this in the mongo shell :
db.products.insert( { item: "card", qty: 15 } )
show collections
Good luck ! Hope it will help you and others !
I have search this informations for hours.