How would I give a NSTextView some padding/a margin to the left? I know how you do it in a NSTextField (by subclassing NSTextFieldCell) but how do you do it in a NSTextView?
You could try subclassing NSTextView and override the textContainerOrigin
Details here.
For example this subclass will give a top and bottom margin of 5 left of 20 and right of 10.
@implementation MyTextView
- (void)awakeFromNib {
[super setTextContainerInset:NSMakeSize(15.0f, 5.0f)];
- (NSPoint)textContainerOrigin {
NSPoint origin = [super textContainerOrigin];
NSPoint newOrigin = NSMakePoint(origin.x + 5.0f, origin.y);
return newOrigin;