This question is in line with this question, I am trying to connect to secure FTP Server and it is not able to connect, wierd part is that I am able to do ssh and connect to the
I, too, encountered quite a lot of issues when dealing with encrypted connections.
First thing is to check the protocol you are looking to use. Secure FTP is most commonly refearing to FTP over SHH but can also mean SCP, SFTP or FTPS.
One way to figure out is to check connecting using a client like filezilla.
If the protocol is handled via a PHP module, the best approach is indeed, to use it. In this case, you need to make sure that, in addition to the protocol-related one, the OPENSSL module is installed for php.
There are some cases where the module support still won't work. In this case, using the libcurl module is one option. This is the case for instance when you need to use a client certificate.
Unfortunately, here again, you may encounter some problems due to the partial support of libcurl in the php module. One scenario I experimented is when the server certificate is judged invalid by the module.
The last solution I usually use is to run the curl binary from an exec statement, for the later case using the "-k" switch.