I\'m using a circular buffer to push data onto either end of a list. After I\'m done I want to align the buffer so the first element in the list is at position zero and can be u
fn swapItems arr index_a index_b = (
local item_a = arr[index_a]
local item_b = arr[index_b]
arr[index_a] = item_b
arr[index_b] = item_a
fn rotateItems arr cnt way:#right = (
for i=1 to cnt do ( --how many times we shift
case way of (
local next = 2
for j=1 to arr.count-1 do ( --shift each except last
swapItems arr 1 next --swap first with next
local prev = arr.count - 1
for j=arr.count to 2 by -1 do ( --shift each except first
swapItems arr arr.count prev --swap last with prev
ar = #(1, 2, 3, 4)
mcArray.rotateItems ar 1 > #(4, 1, 2, 3)
mcArray.rotateItems ar 2 > #(3, 4, 1, 2)
mcArray.rotateItems ar 1 way:#left > #(2, 3, 4, 1)