I want to launch a production version of an AngularJS application, and I find Amazon AWS to be an awesome hosting suite. As AngularJS is essentially static it could be hosted on
On reviewing your requirement if you are adamant about using S3 For Front end , I would like to suggest you use Cloudfront With S3 , the reason being:
S3 can't handle custom HTTP routes. Since "export" isn't a file S3 doesn't know what to do. In order to properly handle Angular routes you must use an actual HTTP Server like Nginx, Apache, IIS.
You can read these blog posts for more information :
How to host your Angular 2 application in AWS with S3
Using AWS CloudFront to serve an SPA hosted on S3
Now Moving to second option you mentioned using EC2 To host , I think using that option would give you more control over your environment and more flexibility on scaling too.