OpsWorks isn\'t precompiling assets on deploy. I found this recipe in this thread but I think it\'s not complete though, or missing something because I get an error about
I know very little about OpsWorks and Chef, but here's what I did to get it working.
First, I had to create a rails recipe that runs during the setup
event to create the symlink directory for the assets. This sits in a public repo that OpsWorks can access.
node[:deploy].each do |application, deploy|
Chef::Log.info("Ensuring shared/assets directory for #{application} app...")
directory "#{deploy[:deploy_to]}/shared/assets" do
group deploy[:group]
owner deploy[:user]
mode 0775
action :create
recursive true
Then, in my app, I had to create deploy/before_migrate.rb:
Chef::Log.info("Running deploy/before_migrate.rb...")
Chef::Log.info("Symlinking #{release_path}/public/assets to #{new_resource.deploy_to}/shared/assets")
link "#{release_path}/public/assets" do
to "#{new_resource.deploy_to}/shared/assets"
rails_env = new_resource.environment["RAILS_ENV"]
Chef::Log.info("Precompiling assets for RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env}...")
execute "rake assets:precompile" do
cwd release_path
command "bundle exec rake assets:precompile"
environment "RAILS_ENV" => rails_env
This get called during the deployment process and compiles the assets.