I really only need the mlid and title text for the first level below a certain menu item. Here\'s what I\'m doing at the moment. (It works, but I suspect there may be a more dru
Have you looked into the Menu block module? Some more details about this module (from its project page):
... have you ever used the Main and Secondary menu links feature on your theme and wondered “how the hell do I display any menu items deeper than that?”
Well, that’s what this module does. It provides configurable blocks of menu trees starting with any level of any menu. And more!
So if you’re only using your theme’s Main menu links feature, you can add and configure a “Main menu (levels 2+)” block. That block would appear once you were on one of the Main menu’s pages and would show the menu tree for the 2nd level (and deeper) of your Main menu and would expand as you traversed down the tree. You can also limit the depth of the menu’s tree (e.g. “Main menu (levels 2-3)”) and/or expand all the child sub-menus (e.g. “Main menu (expanded levels 2+)”).