This is the method that I am currently using. This is effective but slow, since each image needs to be tackled individually. But, it is also fast, since almost every step can be completed with keyboard shortcuts.
I came on Stack exchange to learn even faster approach for Bulk photos, but found that the method I am currently using may be as faster as some of the other methods already shared.
- Open the required Amazon product page in Chrome, whose High resolution images you wish to download.
- Press CTRL + SHIFT + I to open the Chrome Dev Tool.
- Go to "Network" Tab (A).
- As some Images may have already been Cached by browser, Make sure to check "Disable Cache" (B) to force browser downloading all the images of this page on the next refresh.
- Click "img" (C) attribute.
- Hit F5 to refresh the page. Now you should see the list of images expanding as page starts refreshing.
- On the Webpage, which is on the left of the Chrome Dev Tools section, make sure to click on each thumbnail images of the product and hover a bit on the bigger image so that a magnifier pops up. As you are doing this, you will notice that the List of images is further populating. You have to this for all the thumbnail images.
- Now, click on "Size" tab (D) to sort the listing in descending order by size.
- Single click on top most row of this list to popup an image preview.
- Pressing Menu key adjacent to Right CTRL button shall give an Option menu.
- Press Down Arrow twice and hit Enter to open this image in new tab.
- Press CTRL + S to open the Computer download folder and hit Enter to save it.
- Press CTRL + W to close the tab.
- Press Down Arrow to switch to next image, down the list. And repeat steps 10 to 13 till all the required images are downloaded.