Using find and replace, what regex would remove the tags surrounding something like this:
String s = "";
s.replaceAll ("(", "$2")
res1: java.lang.String = Viticulture and Enology
(Tested with scala, therefore the res1:)
With sed, you would use a little different syntax:
echo ''|sed -re 's|(|\2|'
For notepad++, I don't know the details, but "[0-9]+" should mean 'at least one digit', "[^<]" anything but a opening less-than, multiple times. Masking and backreferences may differ. Regexes are problematic, if they span multiple lines, or are hidden by a comment, a regex will not recognize it.
However, a lot of html is genereated in a regex-friendly way, always fitting into a line, and never commented out. Or you use it in throwaway code, and can check your input before.